Upgrade to bugzilla 5.0
By Peter Florijn -
I upgraded to Bugzilla 5.0.
Since the Bugzilla project now supports git, upgrading is now a simple process.
These are my installation notes.
Updating to a Newer Release¶
No local changes¶
If you have no local changes to any tracked files, upgrading to both minor and major releases is simple:
git fetch
git checkout bugzilla-(version)
where (version) is the version number that you want to update to, like 5.0rc3
Upgrade to release 5.0¶
git fetch
git checkout release-5.0
<!— more —>
Local, uncommitted changes¶
The above checkout command will fail if you’ve made any modifications to files you checked out from git with a warning about overwriting local changes. In this case, the simple solution is to stash and then reapply your changes (assuming you’ve done the “git fetch” already):
git stash save
git checkout bugzilla-(version)
git stash apply
However, it is better to create a local branch, which is one of git’s strengths. You can track your customizations and merge in changes from upstream.