One of my projects involves the requirement to install a wallboard to show the ACD queue of our helpdesk and as a bonus we would like to show the scrumboard our development teams use. I’m looking into a Samsung LED monitor / Samsung Smart TV as part of the solution.


What is a wallboard?

A wallboard is a type of information radiator that displays vital data about the progress of the development team. Similar to a scoreboard at a sporting event, wallboards are large, highly visible and easy to understand for anyone walking by.

Traditional wallboards are made of paper or use sticky notes on a wall. Electronic wallboards are very effective since they update automatically with real-time data ensuring that people check back regularly.

Software used by others

Jenkins wall display plugin

Jira and Greenhopper on Samsung Smart TV

Jira Wallboard plugin


Radiator rotator

Jquery Cycle2

Hardware used by others

Raspberry Pi